Joint EMS/EWM Survey lectures.
satellite to
July 1, 2012 from 13.30 to 19.30.
Location: Auditorium Maximum, Kraków, Poland
Attendance is free. Both women and men are welcome.
Lunch There is a lunch at 12:00 together with the EMS-council - price 10 Euro. If you want to join, please indicate so on the registration.
- 13:30 Welcome
- 13:45 Professor Frédérique Oggier, Singapore
Construction of Secure Algebraic Lattice Codes.
- 14:45 Professor Barbara Opozda, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Affine differential geometry.
- 15:45-16:00 Break.
- 16:00 Professor Sheila Sandon, Nantes, France
Rigidity phenomena in Contact Topology.
- 17:00 Professor Evelina Viada, Basel, Switzerland and Göttingen, Germany
On the zeros of polynomials.
- 18:00 Professor Katrin Wendland, Freiburg, Germany
A geometric approach to topological field theory.
- 19:00 Reception.
The organizing committee is:
Bodil Branner (DTU, Lyngby, Copenhagen); Krystyna Jaworska, Secretary of the Polish Mathematical Society, Poland, member of the 6 ECM Executive Organizing Committee, Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, and the EWM convenor Marie-Françoise Roy (IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1, France) with assistance from Rosa Donat, Anna Grybos, Camilla Hollanti, Lisbeth Fajstrup, Sylvie Paycha, Dusanka Perisic and Alina Vdovina.
Deadline: June 15.
There is no fee for attending the survey lectures, which are a
satellite to the
6ECM. The panel is part of the main 6ECM activities and is open to any
registered participant of 6ECM.
Please send an email to

with the following information:
Registration has been closed in the following sense: Lunch and reception has been ordered now. If you want to come for talks, reception or panel, you are very welcome, and please register. But not for lunch.
Will attend the Joint EMS/EWM Survey Lectures (including the reception)
Will have lunch before the Joint EMS/EWM Survey Lectures (price 10 Euro)
Will attend the reception on Sunday, not the talks
Will attend the panel discussion (see below).
List of participants
Panel discussion
September 2012: Slides, Pictures etc. may be found at the EWM site
The EWM and the
EMS Committee Women in Mathematics arrange a
panel discussion Tuesday July 3.c.a.15:45 - 17:45. OBS: The timeslot has changed (March 15)
Redressing the gender imbalance in mathematics: strategies and outcomes.
Professor Caroline Series. Chair of the EMS Committee on Women in Mathematics.
The organizing committee consists of Caroline Series together with two other members of the EMS WiM Committee: Bodil Branner (DTU, Lyngby, Copenhagen) and Elena Fernandez (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain).

Compositio Mathematica