Academic webpage of René Bødker Christensen
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Aalborg University with partial funding from the Department of Electronic Systems .
In my research, I apply coding theoretic techniques in the settings of secret sharing, multiparty computation, and quantum error-correcting codes. This work is done within the Connectivity section at the Department of Electronic Systems and the research group on ‘Reliable and Secure Communication’ at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
- arXiv. [Preprint] , , : Satellite-Aided Entanglement Distribution for Optimized Quantum Networks.
- arXiv. [Preprint] , , , , : Puncturing Quantum Stabilizer Codes.
- IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. [Paper] [Postprint] , , , , : Quantum Two-Way Communication Protocol Beyond Superdense Coding: Joint Transfer of Data and Entanglement.
- IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. [Paper] [Postprint] , : Private Product Computation using Quantum Entanglement.
- IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. [Preprint] [Paper] , , , : Reliable Quantum Communications based on Asymmetry in Purification and Coding.
- IEEE Communications Letters. [Paper] [Postprint] , : Private Randomness Agreement and its Application in Quantum Key Distribution Networks.
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. [Paper] [Postprint] , , : Semi-Private Computation of Data Similarity with Applications to Data Valuation and Pricing.
- Advances in Mathematics of Communications. AIMS. [Paper] [Postprint] , , , : An Algorithmic Approach to Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error-Correcting Codes from the Hermitian Curve.
- Quantum Information Processing. Springer. [Preprint] [Paper] [Postprint] , : On Steane-Enlargement of Quantum Codes from Cartesian Product Point Sets.
- Designs, Codes and Cryptography. Springer. [Preprint] [Paper] [Postprint] , : Steane-Enlargement of Quantum Codes from the Hermitian Function Field.
- Finite Fields and Their Applications. Elsevier. [Paper] [Postprint] , : On nested code pairs from the Hermitian curve.
- Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2018). Springer. [Preprint] [Paper] , , : Actively Secure OT-Extension from q-ary Linear Codes.
- Information Processing Letters. Elsevier. [Preprint] [Paper] [Postprint] : On one-round reliable message transmission.
- Aalborg Universitetsforlag. [PhD Thesis] : Quantum Codes and Multiparty Computation: A Coding Theoretic Approach.
Additionally, I am working on Algobra, which is a pure Go implementation of finite field arithmetic as well as univariate and bivariate polynomials over finite fields.
Contact Information
Office 1.324
Department of Mathematical
Thomas Manns Vej 23
9220 Aalborg Ø
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‘Fun’ facts
- I do knitting
- I know the Llama-Song by heart
- In 2006, I took part in a children's TV-Quiz called ‘Danmarks Klogeste Barn’ (the Danish edition of ‘Britain's Brainiest Kid’)