Mathematics 2C

1. session

Tuesday 10. February 2009
Auditorium M1.80


Introduction to the course. Lecture on Lay section 1.1, Systems of Linear Equations.
Introduction to the exercises.
Group work on text and exercises.

Exercises for 1. session and 2. session

Lay section 1.1 page 27
Exercises no. 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 33, 34.


You are strongly recommended to read the text in Lay, including the examples, before you start on the exercises. Please be aware of the following for your studies:

Lay, A Note to Students.
"In linear algebra, the concepts are as important as the computations. The simple numerical exercises that begin each exercise set only help you check your understanding of basic procedures. Later in your career, computers will do the calculations, but you will have to choose the calculations, know how to interpret the results, and explain the results to other people."

Latest update 10. February 2009 by Iver Ottosen