Geometric and Topological Methods in Computer Science 2010
Workshop at Aalborg University, Denmark (January 11-15, 2010)
Workshop Slides
Massimo Ferri (Bologna)
Reduction and approximation of multidimensional persistent homology
Claudia Landi (Modena & Reggio Emilia)
Stability of Multidimensional Persistent Homology Groups
Emmanuel Haucourt (CEA List & Ecole Polytechnique)
Two equivalent ways of directing the spaces
Samuel Mimram (CEA/Ecole Polytechnique)
Cubical sets and Petri nets: an adjunction
Armando Castaņeda
Deriving an algorithm for the weak symmetry breaking task
Robert Ghrist (Pennsylvania)
Euler Calculus for Data
Martin Raussen (Aalborg)
(Prod-)Simplicial models for trace spaces
Patrizio Frosini (Bologna)
Multidimensional persistent topology as a metric approach to shape comparison
Eli Gafni (UCLA)
Bigamy: Intermingling Algebraic-Topology and Distributed-Algorithms
Michael Robinson (Pennsylvania)
Constructible sheaves and their cohomology for asynchronous logic and computation
Peter Bubenik (Ohio)
Concurrency and quasi-categories: Cubes, Simplices, Horns and Necklaces
Philippe Gaucher (Paris 7)
About higher dimensional transition systems
Rodolfo Conde and Sergio Rajsbaum (UNAM)
The iterated shared memory model of computationand an enrichment with safe-consensus tasks