Associate Professor of statistics at Department of Mathematical Sciences at Aalborg University and chair of the Danish STatistical Society (DSTS).
2024: Lindskou, M. and Tvedebrink, T and Eriksen, P. S, and Højsgaard, S. and Morling, N. (2024) jti and sparta: Time and Space Efficient Packages for Model-Based Prediction in Large Bayesian Networks. Journal of Statistical Software vol 111, no 2, 2024
2024: Højsgaard, S., and Lauritzen, S: On some algorithms for estimation in Gaussian graphical models. Biometrika, vol 111, Issue 4, pages 1201-1219.
2023: Andersen, M. and Højsgaard, S. (2023): Computer Algebra in R Bridges a Gap Between Mathematics and Data in the Teaching of Statistics and Data Science. R Journal vol. 15, no. 4, 2023.
2023: Cheat
sheet for the caracas
package for computer algebra and
symbolic mathematics in R.
2023: Computer Algebra Systems in R. COMPSTAT, London, UK [pdf (presentation)] pdf (presentation).
2022: Elected chair of the Danish STatistical Society (DSTS).